First IncludeArt Project Output
31/10/2023, Brno
Partners from around the whole Europe are working on project called IncludeArt. Those partners come from Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Poland and Czechia. On the way to spread inclusion through art, the first project results are done. IncludeArt’s first work package is called Compendium of Success Stories. The project aims to support students and teachers by finding more creative ways to teach. Moreover, the project wants to improve skills of teachers in the field of inclusion through an innovative methodology. This methodology is based on the history of music and art and at the same time it highlights integration and success stories of international and local artists from disadvantaged groups. IncludeArt is a project funded by Erasmus+.
In the Compendium of Success Stories one can find the real stories of international and local artists – how they overcame their troubles with inclusion when they came to the new country, to the new city, how they felt, which difficulties they faced. And last, but not least, what helped them – what brought them hope and strength. The Compendium of Success Stories consists of local success stories from Italy, Spain, Poland, Spain-Canary Islands, Cyprus and Czechia. Then it continues with international success stories, where one can find story of, for example, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, Frida Kahlo and many more. The last part consists of in-depth interviews which were done by partners with local artists about their difficulties and struggles during inclusion. Those interviews are even more touching and deep because those people were telling their stories to the interviewers in F2F meetings. Do not hesitate to read them.
This output was first created in English version. Petra Matěnová, responsible person for this output, describes this result as follows: “Even the final version of the Compendium of Success Stories is a huge material, the work on the final visualization was smooth. We successfully reached the artists to collect their stories. I think the final version looks great and can be helpful for people in the risk of exclusion. All the partners are now working on translations into each partners’ language.” During December 2023 all of the versions (in all the languages) will be posted on IncludeArt website: On the project’s website one can find useful information, not only about the project itself, but about the partners and what one can expect in this project in the future as well.
The whole work package related to the Compendium of Success Stories was closed during the Transnational partners meeting in Palermo, Sicily. The meeting was held in one of the partner’s premises – Prism impresa sociale. The meeting was held in the Prism’s offices which are located on the main square in Palermo, right next to the Teatro Massimo. Prism hosted the meeting very well and the work on Compendium was closed and the deadlines for the translations were set. All partners did a great job.
During the Transnational Partners Meeting the next steps in this project were discussed. Do you want to know more? In this project a web radio will be created and all the partners will work on launching it in their country. That is why this transnational meeting, which was mentioned above, was followed by Learning Teachers Training with teachers from all of the partners’ countries. The Learning Teachers Training prepared them for the implementation of the web radio in the schools. The presentations with the essentials related to the communication, technicalities, inclusion and licensing were prepared for the teachers as well. Now, the teachers have all the information they need and now the partners are working on the next steps. Stay tuned what is going to happen in this project next.